California Spring Trials 2025 (CAST 2025) will be as energized as ever with variety trends featuring darker foliage, fantastical color, and improved hardiness. From March 25 to 29, you can capture all the magnificence CAST offers along the California coastline. Can’t make it this year? Greenhouse Grower has you covered. Here is a glimpse into what you will see at CAST 2025, straight from the breeders.
Geranium sanguineum ‘Purple Glow’ (Darwin Perennials) | Ball Horticultural Company
Interspecific Geranium ‘Solera Dark Red’ (Ball FloraPlant) | Ball Horticultural Company
Osteospermum ‘4D Pink Lemonade’ (Selecta One) | Ball Horticultural Company
Spreading Pansy ‘Top Wave Marina’ (PanAmerican Seed) | Ball Horticultural Company
Begonia ‘Mega Cool Scarlet’ (Benary) | Benary
Rudbecia hirta ‘Tablemate Gold’ (Benary) | Benary
Petunia ‘Cascadias Lavender Ice’ (Danziger) |
Verbena ‘Vanessa Compact Bicolor Marshmallow’ (Danziger) |
Thunbergia ‘SunnySusy Rose Sensation’ (Green Fuse Botanicals) | Green Fuse Botanicals
Thunbergia ‘SunnySusy Yellow Dark Eye’ (Green Fuse Botanicals) | Green Fuse Botanicals
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Part 1 includes selections from Ball FloraPlant, Benary, Danziger, Darwin Perennials, Green Fuse Botanicals, and PanAmerican Seed. Stay tuned for Part 2 and Part 3!