Using the Power of Water, Athens Design Duo Astronauts Sculpt Furnishings of the Future

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Danae Dasyra and Joe Bradford of Astronauts with completed pieces and works in progress at their Athens studio.

Photo: Christina Holmes

“It looks like the bones of a fish,” muses Danae Dasyra, examining a chair in progress at the Athens studio she shares with business partner Joe Bradford. The piece is one of several that the creative duo, who go by the name Astronauts, just debuted in Miami at Alcova, the experimental-design fair concurrent to Art Basel. “They’re all a bit water-themed,” she says of that mix, which included vases, a mobile sculpture, and more—all made using hydroforming, an industrial process wherein pressurized water inflates metal like a balloon.

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Dasyra inspects a new piece.

Photo: Christina Holmes

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